10 May

General guideline? Keep some broad wellbeing tips close to the family PC at whatever point your child is utilizing the web. Here are some for your child to follow. Try not to give anybody your secret key, name, address, the name of your school, or any data about your family. Never consent to get together face to face with anybody you meet on the web. Never react to an undermining email, message, post, or text, and consistently tell your folks on the off chance that you've gotten such a message. Try not to converse with outsiders on the web. Try not to fill in a profile that requests your name and address. Utilize just a screen name, and don't share passwords (other than with guardians). Check out this social media safety for kids guide Try not to visit a talk room without a grown-up's — ideally your folks' — authorization. Try not to visit a site in the event that you see something you figure your folks dislike. Try not to post pictures of yourself without your folks' authorization (except if you have a concession to explicit photographs that are OK to share). Try not to download or introduce anything on your PC without your folks' authorization. On the off chance that you have any inquiries concerning something you read or saw on the web, get some information about it. In the event that somebody you're conversing with online makes you awkward, recollect you don't need to react.

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